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Display metadata for audio player

According to my company requirement, I need to display metadata for audio play, so instead of just playing a simple control bar I need to show name of file and its description.

How I can I implement it?

Thanks in advanced

5 Community Answers

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :


This API call allows developers to listen for metadata embedded in the media file (e.g. dimensions or TX3G cues in MP4 files). It is intended debugging purposes. Do not rely on this API in production environments, since metadata callbacks are subject to sudden change!

Fired when new metadata has been broadcasted by the player. Event attributes:

metadata (Object): Object containing the new metadata. This can be metadata hidden in the media (XMP, ID3, keyframes) or metadata broadcasted by the playback provider (bandwidth, quality switches).


0 rated :

Recently we changed the icecast server
and the metadata is bringing the characters with accent ⡢ 䥩 髫 օ bąʈ'ό&ԓ
áàâãäéèêëíìîïóòôõöúùûüçÁÀÂÃÄÉÈÊËÍÌÎÏÓÒÔÕÖÚÙÛÜÇ is correct, is there any solution to fix this problem?

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

We don’t support IceCast officially, it has problems.


0 rated :

Thanks for your quick reply, I totally understand what you mean. My question is how (or where) can I display this additional information on audio player?, since it is only a control bar.


Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

There really is not the room for that.

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