Problem jw player ads on mobile version
I have a problem on mobile devices : the jw player logo takes all the screen at first and when the user wants to play the video he's redirected to the jw player site.
I mean it's impossible for the user to watch the video because then clicking over the play button in the center or anywhere in the player he's redirected to the website.
I don't think this is the normal behaviour but could you confirm me that.
Here is my jw player code:
<div id="myElement">Loading the player ...</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
sources: [
{ file: "{{$flashvars.video_url|rtrim:"/"}}", label: "720p HD" },
{ file: "{{$flashvars.video_alt_url|rtrim:"/"}}", label: "480p" }
image: "{{$flashvars.preview_url}}",
skin: "{{$config.project_url}}/player/jw/skin_six/six.xml",
width: "100%",
aspectratio: "16:9",
autostart: true