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Problem jw player ads on mobile version


I have a problem on mobile devices : the jw player logo takes all the screen at first and when the user wants to play the video he's redirected to the jw player site.
I mean it's impossible for the user to watch the video because then clicking over the play button in the center or anywhere in the player he's redirected to the website.

I don't think this is the normal behaviour but could you confirm me that.

Here is my jw player code:

<div id="myElement">Loading the player ...</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
sources: [
{ file: "{{$flashvars.video_url|rtrim:"/"}}", label: "720p HD" },
{ file: "{{$flashvars.video_alt_url|rtrim:"/"}}", label: "480p" }
image: "{{$flashvars.preview_url}}",
skin: "{{$config.project_url}}/player/jw/skin_six/six.xml",
width: "100%",
aspectratio: "16:9",
autostart: true


2 Community Answers


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Do you have a link to where this is running? Also, Flashvars will not work on mobile, due to the absence of Flash.


0 rated :

Hi i can't show the site because this is an adulte website. but do you have an idea why the jw player link is taking all the screen on mobile version?
Nobody can't play the video, we are all redirected to the home of the jwplayer site.

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