Cannot seek videos over related file
Hello Ethan.
Please look my code:
var flashvars = {
autostart: false,
sources: [
{ file: hd, label: "720p HD", type: "video/mp4" },
{ file: high, label: "480p", type: "video/mp4" },
{ file: medium, label: "360p", "default": true, type: "video/mp4" },
{ file: low, label: "240p", type: "video/mp4" },
related: {
file: "http://mysite.com/video/related/feed/1015e4640.xml",
onclick: "play",
startparam: "start",
primary: "flash",
'title': title,
width: "530",
height: "270",
image: thumb,
abouttext: "Video Host",
aboutlink: "http://videohost.tk/",
And here is my xml file:
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/">
<title>Taylor Swift - 22</title>
<media:thumbnail url="http://videohost.tk/thumbs/thumb/6cd8f70c1/1/88662046cbe0b8f6ca1fb63007f3128d.jpg"/>
<media:content url="http://videohost.tk/video/related/redirect/6cd8f70c1" type="video/mp4" />
I am clicking to the "Related Videos" link on the player. Then I click to the "Taylor Swift - 22" video. Player changes the video immediatly. But I can't seek the "Taylor Swift - 22" video. When I want to seek the player buffers and starts video again... Can you help me?