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HD Toggle Not working in Android or iOS

I upgraded to the jwplayer 6.9 what a nice upgrade! I love it.


I cannot get the HD toggle to work on android or IOS. it simply does not display.

It works fine on a computer with flash enabled (using a SMIL for hd qualiies)
It works fine on a computer with HTML5 only (flash disabled, qualities set in config)

BUT as soon as I load it up in android, the scrubber has neither a CC button, nor a HD toggle.

It also doesn't' show up in iOS, But given apples limitations, that is to be expected.

4 Community Answers

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

This is because iOS/Android don’t support multiple bitrates in html5 <video> natively.


0 rated :

Ethan, Thanks for the quick reply!

Your docs state otherwise? They say on mobile devices, an HD button will be shown. Are the docs wrong or am i missing something?


JW Player automatically adds an HD button to its controls when it is setup with multiple qualities of a video:


If there are 3 or more qualities and the viewer is on a mobile device, JW Player will still toggle only between the first 2 qualities. This to keep the interface easy to use with Touch controls.


0 rated :

SO after a little testing, on my google nexus 7 tablet, and an HTC one, the CC and HD labels do not show.

On my iPad 4 they do show.

I get no scrubber at all on my iphone 4.

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

It really depends on the devices. Most will not show the icons. Also, the scub bar will show up on the iPhone, but only once playing because of the screen size.

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