Videos not starting in chrome 36
The videos on our homepage do not start playing in chrome version 36.0.1985.125 (the latest one for windows)
Our site rotates between 8 videos playing the first 5 seconds of each before switching. We have teaser images (a single frame) that display, but the video itself does not start, and it looks like a slideshow.
the player on the homepage works great in any other modern browser I can throw it at, including the previous version of chrome. Videos on the rest of our site also play without issue.
The homepage is
My first guess was that something in the new version of chrome is slowing down the instantiation of the video player, and it simply does not get the time in the 5 seconds to start up. However changing the delay to 10 or 20 seconds produces the same results.
Thanks for looking at this, any insight would be appreciated.