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primary flash vs primary html5

In case of embedding player, if do not set the primary settings to flash, no pre-roll shows up.
To make the situation clear enough, am using your demo pre-roll vast in an empty page only containing the player container... so if another setting is required there please let me know... (for sure in smart phones will need to see the ads as well)

you can see the test here

setup is simple and based on your sample pages, is called thru a function and variables get set...

file: _landing,
image: _thumbnail,
skin: 'PATHTO/modieus.xml',
autostart: true,
flashplayer: "PATHTO/jwplayer.flash.swf",
html5player: "PATHTO/jwplayer.html5.js",
primary: 'flash',
width: _width,
height: _height,
//aspectratio: "16:9",
logo: {
file: 'PATHTO/favicon.ico',
advertising: {
client: vast,
preroll: { offset:'pre', tag: xml_url }


1 Community Answers

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Use this sample tag instead –

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