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How long does it take for the Analytics to display on the account?

I have purchase the "Pro license" and I understand that analytics is included by default and is enabled? Is that correct?

If yes, then I am not able to view the analytics on my account yet. I have been testing the new version (6.7) locally and the player is self host on my machine. Would analystics be reported for local testing as well. I can understand if it is disable for local testing.

I have now moved the application to my test domain and was hoping that I would see some analytics. It has been an hour since I tested, but nothing shows up on my analytics dashboard. Does it take a while? How long?

Currently all I see on my dashboard is some default Analytics graph with a "Sample" watermark. I thought with a paid license, I should see live analytics.

Let me know if I need to enable domains for analytics?

3 Community Answers

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

They are updated at the end of each business day (EST).


0 rated :

See it now. Thanks!

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :


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