Code from "Publish a Video now" doesn't work with Internet Explorer
I'm using code copied from the online wizard. It works in Chrome, but Internet Explorer shows a blank page. I've seen numerous posts about this but no solution.
I'm using code copied from the online wizard. It works in Chrome, but Internet Explorer shows a blank page. I've seen numerous posts about this but no solution.
What version of IE are you using?
Version 8 and version 9. And some unknown versions reported to me by users.
One of the posts recommended changing the content type to video/mp4, but it didn't solve the problem.
The source video files are in Amazon S3 storage.
It works in IE 11. Thanks for the reminder.
Ok, glad that works. I will report that 8 and 9 are not working to the team.
Has this issue with videos not playing in IE been resolved? We have a national education project running in around 2000 schools with teachers accessing from all sorts of browsers and versions. It seems that there are issues with IE not playing the JW Player videos. This is a drag as many of the schools use IE as their default browser. My experience is that the audio plays but only a black screen appears.
Can you let me know how we can deal with this issue?