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MRSS feed in WordPress

Really new to WordPress, so please excuse what may seem like a simple question

I'm trying to create a mRss feed from this page with JW Player

I"m sort of at a loss what I need to do?

8 Community Answers

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

There are two ways to do this.

1) Create a RSS feed and pass that into the player as the playlist option –
2) Use the WP plugin’s media manager to create a playlist –


0 rated :

Ok, so maybe another dumb question, but how do I create an RSS feed?


0 rated :

Option #1 talks about HTML and inserting code into the <head> but I'm not able to see code in my Wordpress page.


0 rated :

I guess this is what I'm having the most problem configuring

"In this code, the <div> element is used as a container to load JW Player into. It must have a unique id attribute.

The setup() block defines which playlist to load, as well as the width and height of the player in pixels."


0 rated :

<div id="myElement">Loading the player</div>

playlist: "",
width: 640,
height: 360

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

On the link you provided, you are using a playlist fine though? How did you create that one?


0 rated :

I created the playerlist with no problem, but when I drope the code in I can't see the player on the page

I see the player, but I get error loading playlist, error loading file

I could see the player fine when it was just the shortcode.

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Ah, this is because we do not support feedburner rss files.

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