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Error loading player No playable sorces found

Hello, sorry in advance for my insufficient english as I am not native English speaker.

I installed JW player version 6.8.
I think that installation itself could be done as " JW player" is installed my WP site (side bar of the dashboard).
then, I loaded my MP4 file (which is a file I converted from AVI file), it was loaded and appeared in the
media library.

But when I checked it at "Preview after changing", it says
" Error loading player No playable sorces found"

and when I checked it in my actual website, it shows only [jwplayer mediaid="83"].

Could you give my any advise for this trouble ?

In addition,
do you have any manual in Japanese ?

Thank you in advance.

5 Community Answers

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Please provide a link. We do not have a Japanese manual.

JW Player

0 rated :

Thank you for your reply.

Here is the link for my website

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

What is the media item for 83?

JW Player

0 rated :

Media is MP4 file.

Fortunately, I tried once again and it could be solved.

Thank you

Do you have a plan to prepare Japanese manual ?

It will be useful for Japanese user as it is getting popular in Japan

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

We do not have a Japanese Manuel, sorry. Glad you got it working though.

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