I am getting the error here: http://fandom.candaceduffyjones.com/hatteralice-video/.
I am using my own theme. I have plugin version 2.0.5 with JW Player 6.2.
I using this code in my theme loop-video.php: bc.. <!-- THE VIDEO LOOP --> <div class="date-tab"> <div class="post-date"><?php the_time('d M Y'); ?></div> </div><!-- .date-tab --> <?php $jwplayer_id = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'jwplayermodule_fb_headers_id', true ); ?> <article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(); ?>> <div class="video"><?php echo jwplayer_tag_callback('[jwplayer config="Mobile" mediaid="' . $jwplayer_id . '"]'); ?></div> <div class="post-content"> <?php the_excerpt( 'READ MORE <span class="meta-nav">→</span>'); ?> <div class="post-meta"> <div class="post-tags"><?php the_tags('#',' #',''); ?></div> <div class="post-comments"><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>#comments"><?php comments_number('0','1','%'); ?></a></div> </div> </div><!-- .post-content --> </article><!-- .post -->
and I placed in my functions.php bc.. apply_filters('jwplayer_tag_callback', 'the_content');
I have all the shortcode settings set to content.
This code work before I updated to JW 6. I works fine on my other blog within the multisite, but that I put the shortcode into the post instead of the theme.
in my theme code and i get this error: Error loading player: No playable sources found and when i put bc.. apply_filters(array('JWP6_Shortcode', 'the_content_filter'), 'the_content');
i get some other error page at page header when using in localhost. i really like to use this and i have to. because i have promised someone to solve this. thx
i dont know why enen the error and black div disapperaed. nothing now. even worse than before. this is the whole template code that i'm using: bc.. <?php if (!empty($max['videos'])) { ?>
<?php $v = 1; $video = new WP_query(); $video->query('showposts='.$max['videon'].'&cat='.$max['videos']); ?>
sorry-because i'm using it on localserver. but i'm almost sure about the media IDs. what else is the problem? I really need to do that. the way it not important just help me to make to to work. i just want a tabbed video box of last vodeo posts. thx so much
but now another problem: i want 2 tabbed box in home page. for my 2 video categories. i have included the 2 different file almost same for each one in my index.php. each one code is almost same to what i had post before here. but just the first one work. the code that work now correctly is: bc.. <?php if (!empty($max['videos'])) { ?>
<?php $v = 1; $video = new WP_query(); $video->query('showposts='.$max['videon'].'&cat='.$max['videos']); ?>
sorry the secound problem is solved if i select flash not html5.
but we recently upload our video on a download server with a subdomain of kavoshpress.ir the videos of the download server don't be played and could not be found. u can see error yourself. just pls answer my question. thx for your reply