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Jerky playback on some browsers

Playback of our video seems to be jerky on Firefox (stop-and-go playback) and Chrome (stuttering) on PC. IE9 on PC and Firefox on Mac seem to be okay.

I think it's due to the MP4, it's 1920x1080 with video data rate of 5073kbps and audio bitrate 320kbps.

2 Community Answers

JW Player

0 rated :

As a first step, update to JW 6.8, which presents a somewhat lighter load to the browser.

But yeah, you're showing the video in a relatively small lightbox, so there's absolutely no need for that kind of hi-def video. A 70MB file for a 1'45" video is serious overkill.

Here's a quickly-slapped-together demo that uses the same file, but cut down to one-tenth the file size, about 7MB. Bet you can't see any difference!

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Yeah, the file is pretty large, and I would update to the latest version of the player.

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