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Looping Video not Seamless via KingSize Theme

Hi all. I am using a looped video as the background of my website via the KingSize wordpress theme, however the loop is not seamless due to a black frame that appears in between loops. I checked the video file and there is not a black frame, and according to the people over at KingSize theme, it's an issue with your player. You can view the video test here:

What are some remedies to fix this? Appreciate the help.

7 Community Answers

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Set a preview image using the image variable to an image on your server (first frame of the video for example).

JW Player

0 rated :

Hi Ethan, thank you so much for the response. I'm using JWplayer as part of the KingSize theme template, so apologies that I'm not more fluent in the way that it's coded into it. Can you tell me what the line of php code is that will call the image variable? Currently the player is being pulled in as so:

bc.. <script type='text/javascript'>
/*'flashplayer': "<?php echo get_template_directory_uri();?>/js/player.swf", commented 6/26/2013 to fix http issue of mp4 video URL */
'file': "<?php echo $video_url;?>",
'stretching': 'fill',
if(get_post_meta( $wp_query->post->ID, 'kingsize_page_autoplay_video', true )) {
'autostart': 'true',
else {
'autostart': 'false',
if(get_post_meta( $wp_query->post->ID, 'kingsize_page_controlbar_video', true )) {
'controls': 'false',
else {
'controls': { 'visible': true },
if(get_post_meta( $wp_query->post->ID, 'kingsize_page_repeat_video', true )) {
'repeat': 'true',
'icons': 'false',
'width': '100%',
'height': '100%'

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :


‘stretching’: ‘fill’,


‘image’: ‘image.jpg’,

JW Player

0 rated :

Hey Ethan, thanks for writing back. Unfortunately that didn't seem to fix it:

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

The image shows up for a quick second for me? But since autostart is true, it will go away.

JW Player

0 rated :

Yeah, but it didn't solve the main issue. It's not a seamless loop and a frame of black still appears between loops. Any suggestions?

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

One thing you could try doing is using our JavaScript API, onTime, and when the video gets to a second before the end, it seeks back to 1.

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