Error loading player: could not load player configuration
Testing out the JW6 player, and I'm getting this error message: "Error loading player: could not load player configuration". What does it mean?
Testing out the JW6 player, and I'm getting this error message: "Error loading player: could not load player configuration". What does it mean?
Do you have a link?
I have the same issue. I'm opening and I get that error message.
Do you have a link?
Its also Version 6.
Ah, you can’t load the player like that, it has to be embedded with our js embedder.
But from what I read in several forums that used to work. I want to set this url within og:video tags so when someone shares that website on Facebook there will be a Flash video player embedded on the Facebook wall.
If I'm not mistaken that is also the way your own tutorial sais to do it:
What changed?
i've got the same promblem (facebook). is there another way to embed the player in facebook posts?
guys, this was just released, you will have to use v5 for the time being if you want to embed on facebook.
Thanks for the info. Can I still get v5 from the website? All it shows is the download button for v6. Can you tell us when and how this will work for v6?
This is the same error im getting and not using facebook.
Also interested where to find version 5 ?
If you guys have v5 licenses, email us for the licensed copy –
my codes doesn't work...
it sais "Error loading player: No playable sources found" and I don't get it why it keeps saying that...
please help me
Your link is password protected…
oh right... won't change that cause it's necessary on my page (i'm a primary teacher and have to protect my pupils privacy)
never mind. so you can't help me as long as you can't open the link?
then i'm going to find another solution for my flash-problem.
thx nonetheless ;)
Without being able to see your setup, how would I be able to debug the issue ?
The jwplayer 6 is showing an error "Error loading player:
No playable sources found"
modes: [
{ type: “html5”, config: {skin: “zinwa/zinwa.xml”} }, { type: “flash”, src:“jwplayer.swf”, config: {skin: “”} } ]Modes is not used in JW6…
My web designer has set up the web page as per the instruction given in the jwplayer. After doing this, none of my videos are running. The website is under construction ( There are few videos uploaded, Eg- main menu VIDEO-SERMON-MALAYALAM-12th name in the list under 'A' Pr. Aby Ayroor (Abraham Thomas)-SERMONS- select any of the videos. They are uploaded either thru youtube or vimeo in mp4 format. They were all running perfectly before. Now it's showing:-
"Error loading player- no playable sources found."
What could be the fault? Thanks. Roy
Do you have a specific link to the player here? All I can find is YouTube content.
using jw6 player I am getting the error : Error loading player:
No playable sources found
My code is below
<TITLE>Amazon CloudFront Streaming with Longtail Video's JW Player</TITLE>
<!-- This HTML file plays an MP4 or FLV media file using JW Player.
The following code is from the Longtail Video Setup Wizard at
Replace both instances of DOWNLOAD-DISTRIBUTION-DOMAIN-NAME with the domain name of your
CloudFront download distribution, for example, (begins with "d").
Viewers download the corresponding files, jwplayer.js and player.swf, before streaming begins.
Replace the one instance of STREAMING-DISTRIBUTION-DOMAIN-NAME with the domain name of your
streaming distribution, for example, (begins with "s").
Replace VIDEO-FILE-NAME with the name of your .mp4 or .flv video file, excluding the
.mp4 or .flv filename extension. For example, if you uploaded my-vacation-video.mp4,
enter my-vacation-video.
For .flv files, remove mp4: before VIDEO-FILE-NAME.
Ensure that URLs don't contain any spaces.
<H1>This video is streamed by CloudFront and played in JW Player.</H1>
<!-- Call the JW Player JavaScript file, jwplayer.js. -->
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
<div id='mediaplayer'>This text will be replaced</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
'id': 'playerID',
'width': '720',
'height': '480',
'provider': 'rtmp',
'streamer': 'rtmp://',
// .mp4 files: use the following format:
// 'file': 'mp4:VIDEO-FILE-NAME
// .flv files: use the following format:
// 'file': 'VIDEO-FILE-NAME',
'file': 'mp4:eeee',
'autostart' : 'true',
'modes': [
{type: 'flash', src: ''},
Do you have a link?
I have the same error. Error loading player:
No playable sources found
I tried doing this two different ways. When trying to load the player files from my cloudfront site, it is version 6. I had the player files uploaded to amazon s3.
So I tried embedding ithe player files into my site using the wordpress plugin which is version 5 and streaming rtmp from my website. player files are loaded in a folder /mediaplayer on my site. Still get the same error.
Trying to make sure I can get this to work before I purchase. Please help.
This is a link to the sample file:
BTW the video does play when I test it using the cloudfront diagnostic tool.
Use this:
‘file’: ‘rtmp://’,
I am not getting anywhere with my playlist using jw 6.
here is the link
You have:
<div id="myElement"></div>jwplayer(“myElement”).setup({
playlist: “”,
height: 350,
listbar: {
position: ‘right’,
size: 320
width: 650
But i needs to be:
<div id="myElement"></div> <script> jwplayer("myElement").setup({ playlist: "", height: 350, listbar: { position: 'right', size: 320 }, width: 650 }); </script>Thanks for your support.
Sometimes simple and obvious things can be very enigmatic .
i have the following error when i post on face book i have licensed pro player v6.
Error loading player:
Could not load player configuration
what should i do?
this video will share when u click on the facebook logo button below "add comment" button.
Ali Raza
I'm having the same issue of "Could not load player configuration"
Here's a link to the test page:
All of my links are not password protected and I know the video file works. Wondering what I did wrong. (This will be embed code given to another client who doesn't have access to their main page build, so it needs to be embedded like a youtube video in a sense to their page)
Please help!!
FYI the code will probably show an iframe as I quickly published in iWeb to check it.
here's the quick code:
<video controls="true" width="385" height="233">
<source src="" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' />
<source src="" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"' controls="true" />
<object width="385" height="233" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="">
<param name="movie" value="" />
<param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" />
<param name="flashvars"
value='config={"clip": {"url": "", "autoPlay":false, "autoBuffering":true}}' />
Thanks again,
@Ali – Your link works fine.
@James – You need to use jw embedder code for jw6. <object> code no longer works.
Thanks for the quick response. I followed that post word for word, here is the new code:
<head><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<video controls width="385" height="233">
<source src="" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' />
<source src="" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"' controls="true" />
<div id="myElement">Loading the player...</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
file: "",
height: 233,
image: "",
width: 385,
controls: "true"
I'm still getting the "Could not load player configuration" error. Ideas? I tried using a .swf file and it gave me an error that said "No playable sources found".
Where is this running? Also, no <video> tag in JW6…
The code using a playlist looks ok but the rss playlist has to be updated and may be removing <jwplayer:duration>56.00</jwplayer:duration> (no more supported)
etc... could help. So I had to do !
As soon an error exist or files aren't compatible, it is ignored and when no playable file are found, you'll have an error error message about not payable list etc...
Under html5, you have to builds webm video for browser compatibility
Do you have an example?
Can you please assist me? A friend has the exact same code working on his server (pointing to his swf and js). I have confirmed my locations are correct. Yet nothing playable.
Should I be using JW5?
i am getting file could not be played error somebody can u help me
@ easy you have to supply an example.
@easy – Provide a link if you want support.
@Mark – Since you are using V6, that plugin is not supported.
To get this working in V6, change:
I am using Ajax and generating video dynamically. So I need object tag to run video. But its not working. Please tell me from where I can download player.swf so it can work and watermark will not display
<object classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' id='mediaplayer1' name='mediaplayer1' width='480' height='270'> <param name='movie' value='jwplayer/jwplayer.flash.swf'><param name='allowfullscreen' value='true'> <param name='allowscriptaccess' value='always'> <param name='bgcolor' value='#000000'> <param name='wmode' value='opaque'> <param name='flashvars' value='" + videoUrl+"'> <embed id='mediaplayer1' name='mediaplayer2' src='jwplayer/jwplayer.flash.swf' width='480' height='270' allowfullscreen='true' allowscriptaccess='always' bgcolor='#000000' wmode='opaque' flashvars='file="+videoUrl+"' /></object>
We are using JWPlayer 6 - the top most license and streaming videos from CloudFront.
The sample URL is here:-
For some computers this works well after multiple refresh and for some it always shows " Error Loading PLayer - Could not load player configuration"
Also, strangely sometimes it shows "License key invalid"
Not sure whats going on.
How soon can I get a reply on this?
@Sheetal – You can’t use object code with JW6. It won’t work. If you have a license, email us your license # –
@Alex1 – I went to your site and it played fine.
Thanks for the revert Ethan.
I also sent quite a few emails with screenshots attached to whats happening to some people.
Not sure if I can attach here in this thread.
But it always has some issues. These are random generated and I cann't figure out how to resolve it. My code is 100% perfect inline to the new JW6 version.
"Invalid License" & "error loading player" & error#1095"
Please HELP!!
im heaving the same error even if i tried the wizard the rtmp section of the longtailvideo website on my android tablet even on my htc mobile both of them has android 4.0 and both has adobe flash 11 the latest version then i tried to test the wizard it display the error loading player no playable source found and no play button or any thing and i didn't even edit the rtmp link on the wizard page yet please help as this is mean its clearly %100 not supporting android system even if it does has flash , i have tried my rtmp links before with the jwplayer 5.9 it works good one my android media box but on my tablet and my mobile its not very good it keeps freezing every second .
please help
thx in advance
Ethen: Please help me in getting the issue fixed!!!!
@samhattem – Please provide a link.
@Alex1 – email us a link and example screenshots to support [at] longtailvideo [dot] com, thanks.
I am having the same problem
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% gray;" id="mediaspace">Loading the player ...</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var Apple = {};
Apple.UA = navigator.userAgent;
Apple.Device = false;
Apple.Types = ["iPhone", "iPod", "iPad"];
for (var d = 0; d < Apple.Types.length; d++) {
var t = Apple.Types[d];
Apple[t] = !!Apple.UA.match(new RegExp(t, "i"));
Apple.Device = Apple.Device || Apple[t];
var options = {
modes: [
{ type: "html5",
config: {
file: "",
provider: "video"
"width": "640",
"height": "480"
else {
var options = {
modes: [
{ type: "flash",
src: "",
config: {
'file': 'trinity2',
'streamer': 'rtmp://'
"width": "640",
"height": "480"
its for our live stream service. All the links are in the code above.
I want a link to where the player is embedded…
Hi, I am receiving the following error:
Error loading player: No playable sources found
In the documentation I see the following errors listed:
Error loading player: No media sources found and
Error loading playlist: No playable sources found
Is this a player issue or a playlist issue?
here is my config:
bc.. <script type='text/javascript' src='/jwplayer/jwplayer.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript">jwplayer.key="#######";</script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var player = jwplayer('mediaplayer').setup({
'width': '640',
'height': '360',
'logo': {
'file': '/jwplayer/playerLogo.png',
'position': 'bottom-left'
'skin': '/jwplayer/skins/'
After the player is loaded I call
bc.. $(".loadVideo").click(function(){
Please Help! Thanks - link to above post
In JW6 you need at least one initial file in the initial setup.
Whats mean of error #1010? Thanks
1010 is an AS3 error.
I have the player setup and I can watch a live feed on a Desktop or an iphone/ipad just fine. However, when I go to my link on an android I get Error Loading Player: No playable sources found. Does the player not support flash fallback at all on android? This is V6. Version 5 worked on most devices but with the newer androids not supporting flash we are trying to have a hybrid solution. We are using a Wowza Media Server on the back end. Do you have any recommendation for android delivery? We are only streaming live content.
Do you have a link?
I too am experiencing the 'Error loading player: No playable sources found' error.
I'm using CloudFront to host the streaming video and it works absolutely fine on desktop/laptops but I can't get it to work on the iPad.
bc.. <div id="player_gcs">Loading the player...</div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
image: "{product_detail_image}",
file: "rtmp://{video_filename}",
height: 540,
primary: "flash",
width: 940
Thank you in advance.
This works on my pc, but iOS won’t work because RTMP is Flash only, only works on desktops. is where the player is embedded right now. I have a rtmp feed for flash and and .m3u8 for apple etc. But we cant get this to play on any of our androids.
Androids have issues with m3u8 files natively, try it in the html5 <video> tag.
Right, so how do I specify a file location for mobile instead of RTMP? I think I used the modes option before...but that was version 5 and it looks like that's not an option now?
Looks like the sources parameter?
Yup, that did the trick. New code:
bc.. <script type='text/javascript'>
image: "",
sources: [{
file: "rtmp://"
file: ""
height: 540,
primary: "flash",
width: 940
Easy enough!
Glad you got it working, thanks for sharing the code.
I have this message error :
"Error loading player:
No playable sources found"
the CDN host is Edgecast, and the stream is working well in the CDN management interface. the code is provided from the CDN interface.
it's a RTMP stream
link to the HTML page :
I have tested with a youtube stream ( and with this code it's working. (HTTP stream)
sory for my bad english.
<script type='text/javascript'> jwplayer('mediaspace').setup({ 'flashplayer': 'player.swf', 'file': 'test', 'provider': 'rtmp', 'streamer': 'rtmp://', 'rtmp.subscribe': 'true', 'controlbar': 'bottom', 'width': '480', 'height': '320' }); </script>To:
<script type='text/javascript'> jwplayer('mediaspace').setup({ 'file': 'rtmp://', rtmp: { subscribe: true }, 'width': '480', 'height': '320' }); </script>Hi Ethan,
it's working with this code. many thanks.
Could I set the player for RMTP and HTTP stream ?
if so, do you have a sample code ?
Something like –
Make the 1st one rtmp, 2nd one http, instead.
I have jwplayer 6 ...on desktop all it's ok....but on the i phone and i pad not work...
"error loading player not playble source found"...
What i can do?
I have upgraded to jwplayer 6, but cannot even get the player to embed and setup properly. Every time I try, I get the error message: "Unable to get value of property 'key': object is null or undefined".
The embed code I am using is:
<div id='player' style='width:325px;height:236px;'></div>
autostart: true,
width: 325,
height: 236,
file: "video_6423101.f4v
There is a demo site available at:
- this requires you to click to the 3rd screen where the video attempts and fails to load.
There is another demo site at: where the video loads on the first screen, and this time it works. Any ideas?
@Nicola – Link?
@Mat – Your 1st link is blank, with an error in this file – Error: Permission denied to access property ‘API’
Line 4
This is my link :
When i open this link with my computer there is no problem. its works fine. But when i use this link with my android device that installed Adobe AIR (Flash works fine) i have an error :
Error loading player:
No Playable Source Found
i just wanna use this link with android devices. i need help :(
RTMP won’t be supported on Androids. You should fall back to a HTTP streamed MP4.
This stream only have RTMP :( is there any library to use on android?
Not that i know of, sorry :X (flash for android is being kliled anyways…)
@Ethan: Sorry, corrected this.
@Mat – Your first link has this error:
“NetworkError: 404 Not Found –”
@Ethan - That is strange, what browser are you using? I do not get that error, however I have renamed the .swf file to jwplayer.flash.swf - it was already in the correct folder. Renaming the file has not removed the issue though.
@Ethan - additionally, I have searched the forums but cannot find any mention of the error I get - Cannot read property 'key' of undefined. It does not appear on the Setup Issues page either, yet I see this in Chrome, IE, and in the javascript/error consoles they both offer.
Yet the working test link I posted has identical code and runs fine in IE, in Chrome the video has loaded and plays, but you get no video only the sound.
I am using FF 18
It would appear LongTail dropped the ball. I too cannot get past the "cannot load configuration" issue. spend three days on this and have given up. Will simply continue to use the older version as that works.
A link would be nice doc.
@Ethan - I have corrected the error in the links, can you check the links and let me know what is happening?
@Mat – I just checked in Firefox 18, Win7, the video loads fine now?
@Ethan - it runs in Firefox, but only through the Flash fallback. HTML 5 mode does not work. Can you help with the other issues I mentioned?
Ie, in Chrome the MatTest link brings up the "Cannot read property of key 'undefined'" error, while the MatWorkingTest link will load the video, but only audio - the video itself is not shown onscreen.
While in IE9 the MatTest link brings up the "Cannot read property of key 'undefined': Object is null or undefined" error, while MatWorkingTest link works fine.
In Safari the video plays, but only in Flash fallback - HTML 5 mode does not work.
I am using .f4v videos, as this was the best option in the previous JW Player v5. Is it still supported for HTML 5 in the new player?
what about using webm and mp4 for the HTML5 mode?
@Mat – I would try to set the player’s primary variable to flash, see if that helps.
Yes, F4V will still work.
I have jwplayer 6 ...on desktop all it's ok, but on the android phone not work:(
"error loading player not playble source found"
What i can do?
You are using FLV here. You need to use MP4.
i changed file to MP4. Now, on desktop works fine, but on android phone i I haven't picture, only sound. Any idea?
Thanks in advance.
I see that this video is full HD and encoded in H.264 High. It is very well possible that this is format that is not supported by your Android device. (this is too much for many mobile devices).
I would recommend that you test some different video sizes and encoding parameters.
Hello, a question use the following code
<script src="/jwplayer/jwplayer.js"></script>
<script>jwplayer.key="My Key"</script>
<div id="video"></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
'file': 'LINK VIDEO',
'image': 'LINK IMAGE',
'controlbar': 'bottom',
'width': '585',
'height': '458',
'skin': '/jwplayer/skins/six.xml',
'logo.file': '/videos/logo.png',
'logo.hide': 'false',
'logo.position': 'bottom-left',
'logo.timeout': '777'
pc in browsers is fine, but not visible in Ipad
also does not show the logo. : (
what would be the code to use or should I correct?
use JW player 6 PRO
Is it jwplayer support .swf files playing,i want paly .swf files
@MicrO – Do you have a link?
@willam – We don’t support .swf
downloaded the free version to test but after many hours cannot get things working. i want to use a playlist file for mp3s and have tried several configurations but have been unsuccessful. any inight as to what i'm doing wrong would be greatly appreciated.
do you need to use rss as a playlist?