Make Media Player a Popup/Detachable Player?
I want to allow a link option under the player to make it a pop-up option so folks can listen to the mix while the peruse the site. Is this possible?
I want to allow a link option under the player to make it a pop-up option so folks can listen to the mix while the peruse the site. Is this possible?
Lots of popup code posted here: [url=]*SEARCH: POPUP*[/url]
I have a code that's quite simple. I haven't figured out how to do player configuration yet, such as colors, but the code works.
bc.. <a href="http://*****URL DOES NOT ALTER FILE*****" onclick="var'','mywindow','height=355, width=425');win.document.write('\x3Chtml\x3E\x3Chead\x3E\x3Ctitle\x3E*****WINDOW TITLE*****\x3C/title\x3E\x3Cstyle\x3Ehtml,body {margin:0;padding:0;}\x3C/style\x3E\x3C/head\x3E\x3Cbody\x3E\x3Cembed src=\'**********?file=*****FILE*****&autoStart=true\' width=\'425\' height=\'355\' quality=\'high\' type=\'application/x-shockwave-flash\' pluginspage=\'\'\x3E\x3C/embed\x3E\x3C/body\x3E\x3C/html\x3E');return false;">*****TEXT TO ACTIVATE POP-UP*****</a><!-- ParagraphBodyEnd --></div>
<div class="fw-paragraphbottom"></div>
Take out the stars and replace it with what I specified. An example page is
Underneath the embedded video, click the text for a pop up video window.
please checkout the (source of the) [url=]openwin[/url] demo and [url=]sizedemo[/url] (linked from the [url=]demopage[/url])
*To control popup window from parent*
In your popup window's html:
bc.. var so = new SWFObject('/swf/mediaplayer.swf','hl_player','300','400','7');
function thisMovie(swf) {
if(navigator.appName.indexOf('Microsoft') != -1) {
return window[swf];
} else {
return window.document[swf];
// this is the important part
var addFile = function(obj) {
// periodical executer from prototype js library
// this line updates the reference in the parent window to point to the popup, even if the user navigates to another page
// (as long as the user stays in the same window/tab, that created the popup). 5 means the reference is updated every 5 secs
var pe = new PeriodicalExecuter(function(){ window.opener.player_window = window }, 5);
in the main pages (where you want to interact with the popup player):
bc.. var player_window = // store reference of the popup window
bc.. // adding a file to the popup players playlist
remember replicate every function you want to use in the popup window's javascript, like addFile() in this example
This is something I am trying to achieve at the moment.
Would it be possible to clarify the 2 sections slightly?
As i unserstand it cuerrently, the popup code site in <script> tags and a <div id="flashplayer"> is required to write the flash.
Is this all that would be required in the popup(including standard html markup)?
And for the main (controller) window i'm a little lost.
bc.. var player_window = // store reference of the popup window
goes into a script tag? The ... suggests more code would be needed
bc.. player_window.addFile('/path/to/file/file.ext');
is this just the link to execute the command?
<a href="javascript:player_window.addFile('test.mp3');">addFile</a>
any extra pointers you can give would be a great help
I can now play individual songs on the popup using:
<a href="javascript:addItem({file:'song1.mp3'})" target="name">ADD</a> ~(where 'name' is the name of my popup window)
however this completely reloads the popup each time, so restarts the audio. Is it possible to send this addfile command without refreshing the popup window?
Good popup code in these threads:
new popup example here: -
linked from: -
Hi,I'm Kaitlyn.Welcome to the Super Mario Flash 3 Nes Version.
Let's say you click your main website link...
And a media player pops up as soon as you go to the first page.. is this possible?
I'm using a free website host, so each of my links go to different pages...
Yes it is.
Here is a demo of a pop up –