ya my real problem is that I need to change playlists in javascript...so hard coding is not going to work. I hard coded just for a test. so either I need the wowza playlist working or I need to be able to load my playlist, like kgb.xml
either way it seems to be the only way to change a live source...is that right?
Your code is not working because you are loading a playlist in JavaScript and loading their playlist xml file at the same time, you can’t combine two different playlist types like that, it has to be one or the other. ;)
but now I have just one more issue with an audio only stream. code is below. the player says loaded playlist is empty but I can see in the xml source it's not.
I am posting this follow-up for the forum archive.
when using wowza's generated rss for an audio only stream, you need to make a .smil file, even for just one bitrate. the wowza generated .rss w/out a smil file doesn't work.