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change logo's display position

hi everybody
my english is very poor, so some idea couldn't express clearly,I you can guess what I said. haha
there is the logo function in the flvplayer, but the logo display position is fixation,I see it can be change position in
the actionscript sourcecode ,but it's not agility and can not customize by youself. so I have a question about the logo function

can the flvplayer provide some vars or via XML file or other's method so that change logo display position more easily and configurable
the logo display position include like (center,rightup,rightdown,up,down....) total:nine position


25 Community Answers

JW Player

1 rated :

if you use a big transparent image - you can place the logo where you want on that!

JW Player

1 rated :

sorry, i don't know what your big transparent image's means , in my case,I using a transparent png file, the size is 15*15 pixel,in the default case,the logo display rightup on the player,my idea is if there will hava a flashvars or XML or other methods so that change logo display position can be more easily and configurable,so isn't modify the as source

JW Player

0 rated :

you need no coding at all !

instead of making the image 15*15 - make it the same size as the player minus 20px and place the logo where you want it...

so if your player is 320*200 - make the transparent logo image 300*180 and paste the logo on that...

JW Player

0 rated :

hi andersen
I have followed your method ,put a transparent logo image on that,size is 430*380(my player is 450*400) turn out the result
is the whole image place on the player on the center , but that isn't what I want, may be I can't catch your idea so that make a mistake. what about we communication with Email? so I can send my idea via a picture to you ,I think that will be express clearly

My Email :

JW Player

0 rated :

paste your 15*15 logo where you want it on the 430*380 transparent .png

JW Player

0 rated :

oh!!! I see thank you!!! anderson ,and then I have used your method,but I think this method isn't fit for when the player in fullscreen

JW Player

0 rated :

ah - that could be the usual hardware accceleration problem - will it maybe work ok if you swich of hardware acceleration ?

JW Player

0 rated :

Hi Andersen, read the thread completely and understand :) Also can that concept be used to also add screen bordering like the myspacetv player, is there a way to stack two png pics in the script so that they sit on top of each other, just like the way the first png is sitting on the screen, two seperate pic files???? reason for two could be that one is not a png, but a gif pic.

what would the script line look like for that?


JW Player

0 rated :


unfortunately the logo flashvar isnt suited for making a border because it doesnt extend to the edge (theres a 10px margin)
but you can place the player on top of a picture - or place a picture on top of the player (this wont show in fullscreen though)
please see the customize demo on the demopage for an example of the latter:

on the JW-FLV mediaplayer page is an example of a player on top of a picture:

please note that it is likely that the soon to be released v.4 player will be quite different in respect to just these things though

JW Player

0 rated :


JW Player

0 rated :

here is a poor way:
see /com/jeroenwijering/players/
about line 86
bc.. tgt.logo._y = 10;
to bc.. ref.config["displayheight"] - tgt.logo._height - 10;

about line 136
bc.. tgt.logo._y = 20;
to bc.. tgt.logo._y = Stage.height - tgt.logo._height - 20;

about line 144
bc.. tgt.logo._y = 10;
to bc.. tgt.logo._y = config["displayheight"]-tgt.logo._height - 10;

keep me informed if any mistake.
I am Chinese ,with limited English

JW Player

0 rated :

thanks for the help on re-positioning to logo. got it :)


JW Player

0 rated :

was wondering why is it when clicking on the full screen mode my logo png does not show anymore???

JW Player

0 rated :

Hi guys,

I'm new to web design. I'm trying to make the logo touch the top edge of the video, so I guess the best way to do that would be to put an image over the video, as Anderson suggests, but I can't figure out how to do that. How do I simply put an image over video? Here is the page I am working on (unfinished), you can see I'm trying to make the title go over the top edge of the video:

Any help is appreciated! Thanks.

JW Player

0 rated :


Please see this post: **

There are examples in this thread: ** showing how to position HTML (images, text, etc.) over the player.

Post back if you need more help.

JW Player

0 rated :

sorry.i don't understand!`

JW Player

0 rated :

I was able to remove the right 20px or so margin by editing as such:

/** Logo loaded; now position it. **/
private function logoHandler(evt:Event):void {
if(margins[0] > margins[2]) {
display.logo.x = display.back.width- margins[2]-display.logo.width + 20;
} else {
display.logo.x = margins[0] + 20;
if(margins[1] > margins[3]) {
display.logo.y = display.back.height- margins[3]-display.logo.height;
} else {
display.logo.y = margins[1];

I'm using a logo the size of the player to get the actual logo to display on the right.

I should probably just use a regular logo and write it so that it displays stage.width-logo.width, stage.height-logo.height.

Anyways, hope this helps
v 4.1


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

If you move the logo MovieClip to another corner of the screen in the FLA it will also stick to that corner. It’s easier than rewriting the actionscript ;)

JW Player

0 rated :

Hi Guys;
I have read this thread carefully and still need some clarifications.

Using v4.1, my JW player dimensions vary between movies. I want to put a logo using the logo flashvar. this flashvar places the logo with respect to the upper right corner of the player so the size of my transparent png image does not matter. what I did was produce a very large image (1024x780) and put the logo on the upper right corner and then produced a very small image (30x30) than holds only the logo but the result is the same.

Is this because the JW player code uses an offset to display the logo? is there a simple way around this (I think the offset is too big)? I a, looking for a solution with no player code changes, no special CSS tricks - just using the logo flashvar maybe with some other flashvar that can help...)

thanks in advance. any comment wold be great.

JW Player

0 rated :

NOTE that per my understanding, I cant put the logo on a big transparent image on any other corner because, like I mentioned above, my JW player size changes between movies...

JW Player

0 rated :

With no AS3 code changes, the logo is placed in the upper right corner with 10px margins.

Any other placement requires either editing the player source code and re-compiling using CS3*_OR_*the CSS tricks mentioned above in this thread.

JW Player

0 rated :

Selin Ruby

JW Player

0 rated :

anyone know how to remain the same resolution of the png logo in full screen (not to zoom it)?

JW Player

0 rated :

Anyone know where I adjust the X and Y Axis for the Logo in the DangDang.FLA source file, so I can get my logo in the bottom right corner instead of top right?

I've scoured the Actionscript for like an hour and even tried to move the little red box in the source file, yet it moves the entire stage when I try to select it.

Any help would be most appreciated!

JW Player

0 rated :

Hi everyone, I just managed to install the Longtail on my blog and works just like butter but I cant find where the F>>K to place a logo. You keep talking about logo pisitions but none of the tutorials here and at jeremy's website tell where the logo changes are added/made. is it in the JS? is it in HTML embed? WHERE????????

Thanks a lot. Im so sorry for this real dumb question but I opened all the files and cant find the appropriate flash var with logo instructions

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