Retrieving timestamp (System date and time embedded by FMLE) in jwplayer6 HLS stream
Hi as in the title.
I found this in the Adobe FMLE guide:
Using ActionScript to get timecode information
Flash Media Live Encoder contains a special built-in handler, onFI, that subscribing clients can use in their
ActionScript code to access timecode information. The following client-side ActionScript code shows how to get
timecode information using the onFI handler. The object ns is the NetStream object. You can get timecode and system
date and time information, if timecode and system date and time were embedded in the stream, by accessing the tc,
sd, and st properties of the info object that is passed as an argument to onFI():
ns.onFI = function(infoObj){
var timecode:String; // Timecode generated by capture device
var systemDate:String; // System date "sd" embedded by Flash Media Live Encoder
var systemTime:String; // System time "st"embedded by Flash Media Live Encoder
for( i in infoObj)
if(i == "tc")
timecode = infoObj.tc; //string formatted hh:mm:ss:ff
if(i == "sd")
systemDate = infoObj.sd //string formatted as dd-mm-yy
if(i == "st")
systemTime = infoObj.st //string formatted as hh:mm:ss.ms
Is this implementable using jwplayer, and if so.... how?