Seek in JwPlayer 6 with flash mode
I have a LightHttpd Server with Mod_H264 to streaming video. Everything work fine on JwPlayer 5, i mean my video can seek into the unloaded part and seek free without reload in loaded part.
But when i upgrade to JwPlayer 6 ( for some reason i must use flash mode only [primary :'flash'] and no html5 mode),with the same config like JW5, my video cannot seek into unloaded part anymore. So i did try to search the web, and see that on JW6 there are a config param that is startparam and i config it : startparam:'starttime' and now my video can seek into the unloaded part.
But the problem is, even i loaded full video,if i seek into anytime on the seekbar, the video load again with my start params.
Am i mistake at anything ? Or is it a bug ?