No playable sources found with non-flash browsers
I would like to report a bug related with incorrect rss playlist load/parse code in plain html5 mode in jw 6.4.3359.
Prerequisites: A browser without flash plugin - I was able to reproduce with latest FF, Opera and Safari. However Android 4.1 with no flash installed does not show this kind of behavior.
Setup: create simple rss playlist-file pointing to the mp4 source file and make 1-liner jw setup with playlist: 'rss_url'.
This will produce the following results:
FF - No playable sources found
Opera - No playable sources found
Safari - dies somewhere in between with the following errors:
No suitable players found and fallback enabled
jwplayer.js:3There was an error while handling a listener: TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'n.length') function () {if("array"==a.typeOf(m.playlist)&&2>m.playlist.length&&(0==m.playlist.length||
!m.playlist[0].sources||0==m.playlist[0].sources.length))g();else if(s.getStatus()==a.loaderstatus.COMPLETE){for(var e=0;e<m.modes.length;e++)if(m.modes[e].type&&j[m.modes[e].type]){var f=a.extend({},m),r=new j[m.modes[e].type](n,m.modes[e],f,s,b);if(r.supportsConfig())return r.addEventListener(l.ERROR,d),r.embed(),c(b,,b}m.fallback?(a.log("No suitable players found and fallback enabled"),new,m,g)):(a.log("No suitable players found and fallback disabled"),n.parentNode.replaceChild(h,
here are the sample links. this one contains embedded mp4 link:
it works fine for all flash/non-flash browsers
this one calls for rss which contains same mp4 link:
it doesn't work in no-flash browsers.
also some additional observations regarding this bug:
1) safari with flash plugin installed but disabled via 'click to flash' extension is able to play ms10.html setup.
2) chrome with installed and disabled flash is also able to play it.
3) FF with enabled flash will always show 'No playable sources found' with ms10.html until after 'primary: flash' is added to the setup config.