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MP4 video not playing on iphone 3GS and Ipad 2

I've recently used JWPlayer to embed a video on one of my website's homepage.
The player works fine on every browser (I have uploaded the video in flv, webm and mp4 formats), but the video doesn't work on iphone 3GS and Ipad 2 : I get the error message "The video could not be loaded" on Iphone, whereas the videos starts but stops after a few seconds on Ipad.

The website url is :

I tried to put the bunny mp4 video on the test website to see if the problem came from the video : the video starts on iphone but still stops after a few seconds.

The test website url is :

Do you have any idea where the problem could come from ?

Thanks for your help.

7 Community Answers

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
1 rated :

How did you encode your video? iOS for older devices has a resolution limit of 640×480...

JW Player

0 rated :

The video has a resolution of 640x360. Unfortunately, I don't know the other details about the video as it was not me who created the video.

Do you know any tool (online or not) which could help me check if the video is compatible with Iphone/Ipad ?

I also tested the bunny mp4 video on my test website on Ipad 2 and it works very well. So I'm pretty sure the problem comes from the video itself.

I could ask the company who created the video to edit it, but I have to give them specific information about what has to be done with the video. Any idea ?

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

No, but you should try this, just re-encode with this program –

JW Player

0 rated :

iTunes and iPhone can only recognize MP4 videos which is in the supported codec like MPEG-4 or H.264. If your MP4 files are encoded with other codec, iTunes and iPhone will refuse to import and play such files.

In order to successfully add MP4 to iTunes as well as sync MP4 to iPod, iPhone, iPad, we have better convert the MP4 files to both iTunes and iOS supported MPEG-4 format.

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Thanks for sharing.

JW Player

0 rated :

IPOD convertion with ffmpeg

ffmpeg -i input -acodec libfaac -ar 44100 -ab 96k -ac 2 -s 640x360 -vcodec libx264 -preset medium -profile:v baseline -level 3.0 -crf 30 -threads 8 -f ipod output.mp4

Ethan Feldman

JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Thanks for sharing.

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