m3u8 and XML playlists for RTMP and iOS dynamic streaming
Ethan: I am trying to build a page with dynamic streaming for both flash and iOS devices. Is this possible with the method used below?
The first page that I made points to a single rtmp stream with an m3u8 playlist as fallback for iOS devices. It works perfectly:
I tried to implement an xml playlist for the rtmp dynamic streaming functionality, but at first I got an error stating "Playlist could not be loaded: Error #1090". I ran the playlist through a validator and the error no longer appears, but the player does not load and nothing happens.
Here's the code.
bc.. <script type="text/javascript">
'id': 'playerID',
'width': '960',
'height': '540',
'skin': 'mediaplayer/glow.zip',
'playlistfile': 'playlist.xml',
'plugins': {
'qualitymonitor-2': {}
'modes': [
{type: 'flash', src: 'mediaplayer/player.swf'},
type: 'html5',
config: {
'file': '',
'provider': 'video'
XML playlist:
bc.. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <rss version="2.0"
xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/" xmlns:jwplayer="http://developer.longtailvideo.com/trac/" >
<title>Single video with bitrate switching</title>
<title>Clicking With Technology</title>
<description>When an FMS 3.5 server is detected, bitrate switching is also continously done while watching the video.</description>
<media:content bitrate="1000" width="1920" url="ClickingWithTechnology_1000kbps.f4v" />
<media:content bitrate="800" width="960" url="ClickingWithTechnology_800kbps.f4v" />
<media:content bitrate="600" width="640" url="ClickingWithTechnology_600kbps.f4v" />
<media:content bitrate="400" width="320" url="ClickingWithTechnology_400kbps.f4v" />
<media:thumbnail url="splash.png" />