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JWPlayer 8 issue

Hi Team,

We have purchased licence from you and we were using JWPlayer 7 version and it is working fine. Recently have upgrade to JWPlayer 8 version and our below setup player is playing and events are not working. Please help me out from this issue, how to call all events in JWPlayer 8

playerInstance = jwplayer(properties.playername).setup({
'playlist': playlist,
'controls': properties.controls,
'aspectratio': properties.aspectratio,
'primary': properties.primary,
'visualplaylist': properties.visualplaylist,
'stretching': properties.stretching,
'image': properties.image,
'width': "100%",
'autostart': properties.autoplay,
'fallback': properties.fallback,
'androidhls': properties.androidhls,
'backcolor': '666666',
'frontcolor': 'FFFFFF',
'lightcolor': 'FFFFFF',
'screencolor': '0f0f0f',
events: {
onReady: onReadyNormal,
onPlay: onPlayNormal,
onPlaylistItem: onPlaylistItem,
onTime: onTimeNormalVideo,
onComplete: onComplete

2 Community Answers

Arthi Subramanian

0 rated :

I am having the same issue with jwplayer 8 - events are not working!


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :


I see you are using outdated API syntax from JW6. You will want to update your events per our documentation here:

For example, onPlaylistitem will not work, you will need to use .on(‘playlistItem’


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