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error message in player

As a consumer frequenting a video site I get the message: error setting up player: Invalid license key. I found on internet it has something to do with JWPlayer, but found no solution. So I came to your site, but found here no solution too!
As I probably are not the only one with this problem, it might be a good idea to list it in your FAQ to help consumers to solve the problem.

How can a solve the problem with the player?

Paul Verbraeken

1 Community Answers


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Hi Paul, thanks for the feedback. I have found that if the date/time is wrong on your computer or you are on a network that has very aggressive site-caching, sites that utilize the cloud-version of our player will error out. Outside of that, you should contact the sites that you are having issues with. Do you have a list of some of the sites you are having issues with?

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