Player sizing by height badly broken in JW 8
I'm trying to achieve a layout whereby the player width is 100%, but it is limited to a certain height. The video should then be uniformly resized so that it maintains its aspect ratio and is limited to the height of the player.
For the configuration: I'm using the "uniform" stretching configuration option, setting the width to 100% and the height to 600.
The problem: The .jw-aspect <div> has a padding-top value of 56.25%, which is 56% of the width of the player, and is thus much more than the 600 pixel height I want, so right away the player is not respecting the height I want.
Secondly, even if I force the elements to be the right size with CSS overrides, something (in the JW javascript) is manually setting the object-fill CSS property on the <video> element to "fill", which is overriding the correct "contain" value that would otherwise be applied by the .jw-stretch-uniform class.