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provider event for the loading of player

can i assume provider event as a correct matrix for player loading before ad request .

Is there any other event which i can use to know starting of player in case of autoplay or manual

3 Community Answers


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :


You could refer to the player config, jwplayer().getConfig().autostart, to see if the player should autostart but it sounds like your use case is a bit more complex than that.

Could you give me a little more background on what you are trying to achieve and what issues you are having?

Sanjay Nagpal

0 rated :

i want to know how many user started the player and out of those how many were served ads so that i can calculate the fill rate .
A user might bounce of even before loading of media content as the player might be busy in making Ads request . so the event which is fired before the ads is of importance to me.


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :


You may refer to the callbacks here:

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