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ADD via URL through Python

Is it possible to ingest videos only with the URL? I mean like when you ADD via URL through your browser, instead of ADD via UPLOAD.
I can add through my browser new content only with a "fake" URL. Then I try to do the same through the ingest and it said:

" There was an error processing your file: Media file contains no recognized video stream"

What I am trying to do consists of only have analytics for the title, not uploading any videos.

2 Community Answers


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I am trying to Adding External URLs through Python

Adding External URLs

JW Player's dashboard also accepts URLs from externally-hosted sources. These can be added into your library and referenced in the same way as uploaded content. External URLs do not count towards your monthly storage or streamling limits, but they are counted as part of monthly play counts.

To add external URLs to your content library, click the Add Video URL button at the top of the content list page in the dashboard.

Paste up to 100 video URLs at a time to add them to your library.

Be sure to update each video to include Title and Description.

Note: Adding a URL does not ingest that video into our storage system. It is only a reference to the content that is hosted elsewhere. Once you've added media to your library, the next step is to embed and publish your video.


JW Player Support Agent  
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