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looping a video as a banner

I just added a video clip to my website using JW - it's great and so easy! The question I have is, I want the clip to serve as a banner on my site's home page, and I want the clip to loop endlessly. I want the option to not play sound for purposes of the home page even though the video has sound; I want it to only appear in HD; and I don't want the option to go full screen since this is a banner. Can I achieve all of these things using JW player, and if so, how? Thanks!

1 Community Answers


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

This demo on our developer site shows how this can be done. However, most browsers will soon (if they don’t already in the case of Safari) totally block autoplaying videos so I would re-think your requirement to have a video banner.

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