set custom text to jw-time-tip when dragging the control bar
I would like to show some custom text in the jw-time-tip instead of showing the jwplayer's original seek time when user drags the control bar.
I tried the "seek" event but failed. I noticed after I updated the text in jw-time-tip, it was then overwritten by the jwplayer's seek time. So as I was dragging the control bar, the tool tip kept showing the video time instead of my custom text.
My codes is as below:
jwplayer("myplayer").on("seek", function () {
console.log("before: " + $(".jw-time-tip .jw-text").text());
$(".jw-time-tip .jw-text").text("set something");
console.log("after: " + $(".jw-time-tip .jw-text").text());
setTimeout(function () {
console.log("5ms later: " + $(".jw-time-tip .jw-text").text());
}, 5);
and the console output looks like below:
before: 01:39
after: set something
5ms later: 01:50
before: 19:29
after: set something
5ms later: 19:50
before: 41:51
after: set something
5ms later: 42:33
before: 15:55:17
after: set something
5ms later: set something <- this is where the mouseup, finally the text is set
Anyone has any idea how to do that? Many thanks for the help