Captions disappearing after
I noticed an issue while working on jwplayer v 7.8.7. It appears that tracks are being reset upon replaying a video.
more in depth info of what I am seeing is this:
the jwplayer setup config object contains a playlist containing multiple resolutions (in dash format for streaming) and a captions track (in either xml or vtt format)
when playing begins both the video and captions are working fine and work fine through the entire playback.
however after playback after hitting the play again button the captions button disappears and does not reappear on multiple replays.
Other info:
the only things in the config are "stretching": "uniform" the playlist containing only the three resolutions of video and the one captions track in the following format:
"stretching": "uniform",
"playlist": [
"sources": [
"file": "DASHURL_HIGH",
"dash": true
"file": "DASHURL_MED",
"dash": true
"file": "DASHURL_LOW",
"dash": true
"tracks": [
"file": "CAPTIONS_URL",
"label": "English",
"kind": "captions",
"default": false
after hitting the replay button the 'captionsList' event does fire and the list only contains the default off option for the captions