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HTML5 with AWS CloudFront cross domain issue

I'm using aws cloudfront to provide hls streaming, it's all working fine when it lunched by flash player, but when it goes to html5, cross domain problem occurs - cross domain access denied.
I have set my S3 CORS and CloudFront header forward following this page:
According to the page's description, cloudFront and S3 need "Origin:" tag in header to return a "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: xxx" in the response header, but it seems like jwplayer's request(in Firefox) doesn't have it?


1 Community Answers


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Hi Mou,

To confirm – you have configured the CORS headers on the domain hosting your stream to properly authorize the domain hosting the page you are embedding the player on, correct? If so, can you provide me with a URL to a reproduction page so I may take a look?

Thank you.

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