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I can not understand Premium,Plat

250GB Streaming/month
100k video plays/month

1- So where is the storage
2- What is streaming ? example if i watch 251 gb video today its about that or i can share 250 gb video monthly
3- 100 k video plays ? if this mont 101 k user play s 'x' video what wil happen . all video stop ?

Can anyone help me ? Tnx

1 Community Answers


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

The Premium license includes 50 GB of storage and the Platinum license includes 150 GB of storage. You can view a comparison chart of all the usage limits for the licenses on our Terms of Service page under “License Scope.”

Storage is the space available for each video file uploaded to our JW Platform (hosted with us). The JW Platform will automatically transcode your files to different conversions, the conversions will also count towards your account’s Storage limit.

Streaming refers to “gigabytes delivered” to viewers. When a video is embedded on a page, it is streamed when it is downloaded by your users (this is also what happens when the video loads inside the player). The streaming limit only applies to content that is hosted with us on our JW Platform. Players are disabled once the streaming limit is reached and are re-enabled on the 1st of the following month when the limit resets. Upgrading to the next highest tier will also reset streams and reactivate players.

Plays are counted when the first frame of a video loads on our player, this counts against your limit despite where the content is hosted. The limit for Plays is a soft limit, meaning your account and players will remain active even if you pass your 100,000 monthly limit. We review Plays per account individually to figure out if this is a one time overage or if there’s a pattern of exceeding the limits, in which our Sales team will reach out about upgrading.

Hope this helps,

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