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HLS "Live" DVR Stream issues in Google Chrome

Within the past week, we have been experiencing issues when streaming an HLS "Live" DVR Stream using the Akamai CDN within jwPlayer 7.8.4 in Google Chrome and Mozilla FireFox browser (on various operating systems, Windows 10, Mac OS). The behavior does not seem to be an issue in Microsoft Edge browser and Mac OS Safari and works perfectly on iOS.

The behavior is intermittent but we seem to frequently experience at best case sluggishness on the initialization of the stream when the user clicks the "Play" button and at worst, the stream just not getting rendered with a black screen.

I have a sample setup at, but the live stream will end soon.

Any chance that someone out there has a solution for this? We have been struggling with this since we noticed this on Saturday, December 17, 2016.

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