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Wowza + JWPlayer + redirect, 403 forbidden

When using smil file and loadbalancing 4.0 in wowza i get error "Cannot load M3U8: 403 (Forbidden)".
It does work without the redirect (without /redirect) of the loadbalancing, how do we solve it?

Player code

<div id="my-video"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
file: "" ,
width: "1280",
height: "720",
hlshtml: true,
autostart: true

Same goes with
Error loading player: no playable source found.(Chrome PC, Android)

With file: ",tvvn_source&bitrates=1024000,2048000"
does not work with HTML5 (i.e Chrome in Andorid, iphone)

Where does work (no loadbalancing)

How to use JWplayer and loadbalancing for HTML5 correct?

3 Community Answers


JW Player Support Agent  
-1 rated :

It looks like you’re using a Free account. Only Premium Subscriptions and above are able to utilize HLS playback. Also none of those streams are up right now.


0 rated :


Thank you for answer.

Yes, I have a free account but my customers do use Premium and I tried in your demo player (Premium)

Please let me know how to use your player with redirect (load balancing), and together with multi bitrate if that is possible as well, thanks

The urls was formated to not work. Here are the working ones:

Cannot load M3U8: 403 (Forbidden). All players i tried (smilfile for multi bitrate)

Error loading player: No playable sources found.(Chrome/IE on PC, Chrome Android), Working in vlc phone/pc and url in iphone (not jw player)

Does not work with HTML5 (i.e Chrome in Andorid, iphone, vlc phone/pc), Working Chrome/IE on PC with Flash,live1&bitrates=1024000,2048000

Working all (no loadbalancing)

Working all (no loadbalancing) smil multi bitrate (same file for now)

Wowza reference:

I think other users may also benefit from an answer to this.

Thank you


JW Player Support Agent  
1 rated :

Hi Christian,

JW Player does not support 302 redirects on M3U8 manifest/playlist files in Flash or with our HLS HTML provider. We advise to instead use DNS load-balancing or serve up a dynamic M3U8 manifest, containing direct links to the M3U8 playlists on the target servers.

Read more on our adaptive streaming support article by clicking here.

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