Why am I having a problem downloading the free version into my laptop Windows 10, I have recently downloaded the free version with no problem into my PC Windows 7. Please and thanking you in advance.
Why am I having a problem downloading the free version into my laptop Windows 10, I have recently downloaded the free version with no problem into my PC Windows 7. Please and thanking you in advance.
I don't have an answer to my question yet....
Are you trying to embed videos on a web page? Our player uses Javascript and loads directly in the web browser, so there is nothing to install on your computer. And we’re a video player for web sites, not an adblocker.
If you are just trying to watch videos, you should be able to watch the videos directly in the browser. There is no need to create an account with us to watch the videos. If you are seeing an error in the JW Player, please send a note to the web site owner telling them about the error.