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Positioning Subtitle (Cue Styling)

Hello. I'm searching for how to position the captions(subtitles) and I see around 2 method.
1. Cue Styling - useable for only .vtt file I test with .srt and didn't work so convert to .vtt then it's fine.

this is example of Cue Styling to position subtitle that I found from some topic in here.


00:00:01.000 --> 00:00:05.000
These captions test some features of the WebVTT formats

00:00:06.000 --> 00:00:10.000 line:5%
This cue is positioned at the top of the video

00:00:11.000 --> 00:00:15.000 position:5% align:start
This cue is positioned at the left side of the video.

00:00:16.000 --> 00:00:20.000 position:95% align:end
And this one ate the right side.

Important question: Do I need to write code after numeric time every each line?
The real subtitle has 1000 lines, I guess it's very tired to write every line

2. Other method that I found is go to jwplayer.js file and fix position at jw-captions class(css)
I found this method from

but!! it's not working !!! so is this method possible? or where's a point that I wrong

3. is there anyelse method for positioning subtitles?

1 Community Answers


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Hi there,

It does look like you would have to set the position value at the end of each timestamp or else the position would be reset to its default value of “auto”. As this is set within the WebVTT specification, there does not appear to be any workarounds.

Adjusting the styling of captions via CSS is not recommended because of the different ways captions are rendered in various browsers.

Thank you.

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