getting started w/ streaming
i have a Premium account w/ 1 uploaded video. i want to stream to iOS, Android and desktop browsers. the player is hosted @ JW. i can play a video on all platforms when i do this:
file: '//content.jwplatform.com/videos/F2JXXX.mp4',
image: '//content.jwplatform.com/thumbs/F2JXXX.jpg'
my understanding is that provides a progressive download for the single resolution i picked. what i want is to stream w/ adaptive bitrates. i have created a m3u8 file and hosted it on my own server. part of it looks like this:
my setup now looks like this:
file: 'assets/manifests/video.m3u8',
image: '//content.jwplatform.com/thumbs/F2JXXX.jpg',
hlshtml: true
When i play in desktop Safari, i get a live stream and am unable to jump around (seek?) as i could with the mp4. It does not play in desktop Chrome at all: "Cannot load M3U8: Invalid manifest file".
if i grab one of the lines from the manifest file, e.g. https://content.jwplatform.com/videos/F2JXXX-8mHlxrXX.m3u8, it not only plays fine in desktop Chrome, but in both that and desktop Safari, it seeks as the mp4 did.
What am i doing wrong?