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JS:Redirector-BXI [Trj] Being Seen on JwPlayer Embed


For some reason Avast is seeing the JWPlayer embed as a virus threat, reporting Infection JS:Redirector-BXI [Trj]. We get an email alerting us to this once every few weeks.

We are creating the player with obfuscated code. I think the EVAL is being confused as injector.

Any way to stop the Avast from saying JWPlayer is virus.


3 Community Answers


0 rated :

Actually, it seems to only happen if I obfuscate the javascript creating the player and setting up the variables. Looks like AVAST doesn't like the "eval" function that comes with obfuscation.


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :


Its possible that the virus detection simply sees the activity as a threat and wants to protect you. Do you have a sample link we can look at and try to replicate? If you add the link as an exception in the program does that work?



0 rated :

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