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cdn urls changed?

My set up crashed one day quite randomly.

I got a missing license key error. The set up was made from an old dev account i did not have access to.
After that i signed up and got new CDN links for jwplayer.
but the new links are different from the old ones:

Everything seems to work more or less, the new cdn added some styles to my site i don't really fancy and .mov files don't play anymore.

The question is why did this happen? Was the old account shut down?
And did the cdn's change? or am i just looking at the wrong place for the ".../player/...." cdn

3 Community Answers


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

I believe it’s been /libraries for a while now. Do you have another account or are you using the one associated with the e-mail address you are posting with now?


0 rated :

So this account should be associated with the new account that was made.
I searched it up and i think it was that magically stoped working one day and gave the license key error.

Well in the long run the biggest concern is that when we use this free account, it's said on your site that:

By default, your JW Player License is set to auto-renew each year on your renewal date.

Does this mean that the license key will be changed? or will the same id be used?


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

The keys only change if you change subscription levels. For example if you had a premium account and let it expire so that it downgrades to free, when you upgrade to premium again your keys would change.

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