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Fatal Error during the installation

Hi, yesterday I have installed your plugin for wordpress. The installation is easy and I,have not problem with this but, afetr the installation, i received a msg with a fatal error and I can't install the plugin. HELP ME PLEASE:)
Excuse me for my bad english but I'm an italian girl!

1 Community Answers


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Hi, Sylvia.

My name is Alex and I am one of the Support Engineers at JW Player. I will be more than happy to assist you with your questions.

We are not aware of any known issue with our Wordpress plugin. Can you please provide me a link to the plugin page on Wordpress’ site so I may take a look? I am asking for a link because there are a few plugins in Wordpress’ directory that are for our player, but are not made by us.

Thank you.

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