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Return List of Videos From Channel (Playlist)

What do I need to do to get the list of all videos from a specific channel (playlist)? I've got the `/channels/videos/list?channel_key=XXXXXXXX` endpoint. Then I found this page ( which talks about adding an api_key, api_timestamp, api_nonce, and api_signature to the request as well. I did that, but am now getting an invalid signature response.

Here's a sample of my code.

$api_key = 'XXXXXXXX';
$unix_timestamp = time();
$api_nonce = mt_rand(10000000, 99999999);
$api_signature = sha1($api_key . $unix_timestamp . $api_nonce);

$videos = $botr_api->call("/channels/videos/list?channel_key=XXXXXXXX&api_key=" . $api_key . "&api_timestamp=" . $unix_timestamp . "&api_nonce=" . $api_nonce . "&api_signature=" . $api_signature);

echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";

Can you point me in the right direction?

4 Community Answers


Best Answer  JW Player Support Agent  

The best way to get the videos in the playlist is to make a request to the content service via the<channel_key>.rss (or .json) url. Documentation is available at:

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Okay, so I realized I wasn't following all of the directions on the page. Went back through and fixed that up, but it's not working with the PHP API that I downloaded from the site, I have to use this:

What is the "best" way for me to get a JSON response in PHP of only the videos that are in a certain playlist?


0 rated :

Alright! Figured it out. No documentation specifically on this though.

Didn't need to do any of that complicated stuff, just this with the PHP API.

$botr_api->call("/channels/videos/list", array('channel_key' => 'XXXXXX'));

Might want to throw that in the documentation somewhere, either that or I couldn't find it.


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Glad to see you figured it out. I will escalate your request to update our documentation.


Best Answer  JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

The best way to get the videos in the playlist is to make a request to the content service via the<channel_key>.rss (or .json) url. Documentation is available at:

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