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JW Player behind Corporate Firewall


I have an issue where a client can't view videos on my site because they are behind a corporate firewall. I have tried self hosted player, java embed and iframe embed. On all versions the player doesn't load, not the video, the player. Just a space where it should be!

Any ideas? It's driving me mad. The same client however can see videos on (like the homepage video).


1 Community Answers


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

What kind of video are you using? If it is an RTMP stream, it is possible that the corporate network is blocking traffic on the port that RTMP uses (1935). The video on our homepage is using HLS and MP4, which travel over port 80 with the rest of the HTTP traffic.

Perhaps the best test is to ask them to load the <iframe> source URL. Don’t send them the whole <iframe> embed code, just send them the URL inside the src="" section.

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