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iPhone Live Playback Looks Bad in JWPlayer


Can someone tell me why the live streaming of an iphone video done using the Wowza GoCoder looks so bad in JW Player 6? When I look at it in the sample player in Wowza it fills the whole player, but in JW Player 6 it's squashes it.

I left the topic of this post as 'embedding', as there isn't a 'playback' one so I suppose this is the closest.


2 Community Answers


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Can you try the same video in a standard HTML5 video tag and see if it looks the same?
Try this standard HTML5 video tag below, and see if the issue persists:

<video controls="" autoplay="" name="media"><source src="insert test url here" type="application/x-mpegURL"></video>



0 rated :

Thanks Donni, I've tried this but in Chrome the player doesn't load (the progress bar does) and on Safari it loads the player but the image of the live stream is just still and the clip doesn't play. Please can you give me the syntax of the URL to be used for the stream in HTML5?

Also just to note that the same thing happens in Flash playback as in HTML5.

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