Is there any bug or something? Jwplayer 7.3 does not use cookie for volume, so volume is always on same position after reloading page
Is there any bug or something? Jwplayer 7.3 does not use cookie for volume, so volume is always on same position after reloading page
We no longer use cookies to store the volume, as we switched to local storage instead. That being said, I do see that this is not working in 7.3.3 but it was in 7.2.4. I will escalate this to our engineers and update you when I hear back from them.
Our engineers are saying this should be fixed in a future release. My suggestion would be to use a setVolume() call from our Javascript API in the .on(‘ready’) event as a potential workaround. Please see http://support.jwplayer.com/customer/portal/articles/1413089-javascript-api-reference for more details.
OK i have created function with jQuery cookie plugin
$.cookie("_player_volume", _player.getVolume(), { expires: 365 ,path: '/'});
var _player_volume = $.cookie("_player_volume");
if(_player_volume) {
Is it just me, or is this still not working in 7.4.2?
Please check again in 7.4.3, as the release notes at https://developer.jwplayer.com/jw-player/docs/developer-guide/release_notes/release_notes_7/ indicate this was resolved.