Hi, I have Embed JW Plyer 7.0 in my webpage, i am trying to to play LIVE TV Streaming but if gives me "Flash Plugin Failed to Load" error, I am using .m3u8 & rtmp. Can anyone tell me the solutions please
Dear Alex, Thanks for your reply, Right now i am using on my Local PC. As i am testing JWPlayer if it works then i want to use it on my website which will be launch soon.
<div id="myElement">Loading the player...</div> <script type="text/javascript"> var playerInstance = jwplayer("myElement"); playerInstance.setup({ playlist: [{ sources: [{ file: "rtmp://" },{ file: "" }] }], image: "//example.com/uploads/myPoster.jpg", width: 640, height: 360, title: 'Basic Video Embed', description: 'A video with a basic title and description!', primary:'html5', }); </script>
As long as you have a web server running on your local computer and have PHP installed, you should be OK running that site. However, the RTMP stream does not appear to be working for me, but even so – it should not result in you getting a “Flash Plugin Failed to Load” error. Do you have Flash installed on your computer?
Hi, Alex. my web server and php is properly working & also i have installed the Flash Player on my computer as i am watching videos from YOUTUBE and Dailymotion, i do not know whats the problem with my script. Is there any mistake/error in my Code ?
I do not believe there to be any issue with the code itself. Again, the RTMP stream is not working for me. The HLS stream is, but you would be unable to play it since you have a Free account and HLS streaming requires Premium accounts, or higher.
I'm facing the same problem ("Flash plugin failed to laod") with a Wowza RTMP Stream (MP4). Adobe Flash Player 20.0. should be up-to-date and the same RTMP Stream works perfect with JW 6. (Since I wasn't sure if jwplayer.flash.swf is needed, I tried it with and without including this file). Fallback to HTML5 works fine. To ensure that it's not a bug in the current minor release 7.2.4. It is possible to download older minor rleases? (I'm using Free Player with License key)
I am also getting the same error "Flash plugin failed to load", also i tried the code of Mr. khurshid , still i am unable to view my rtmp videos. Please, help me to accomplish it.
Sorry Alex, it was my fault. Due to naming restrictions of our CMS I was forced to rename jwplayer.flash.swf to jwplayer_flash.swf. Flash failed to load since jwplayer.js was looking for jwplayer.flash.swf. Changing the filename inside the source code of jwplayer.js solved the problem. Video Streaming via Wowza now works fine for RTMP/Flash and HLS (primary: "flash", androidhls: "true)
I've got another problem related to this topic. Configuring the player for "audio mode" (height: 40 Pixel) to play MP3 results in "Flash Plugin Failed to Load". As soon as I increase the height to 41 "video mode", the player works fine. This Problem only occurs in Internet Explorer (Version 11). In Chrome, Firefox everything is alright. I tested this with JWP 7.2.4 and 7.3.4 (latest Update), both with same result. Does anyone experienced the same problem?
I could narrow the problem. When changing IE11 Document Mode form "Edge" to "10" Flash will be loaded. But in "Edge" (Standard mode) still Flash (I use the latest refuses to work if the setup height ist set to "audio mode".
I had the same issue whilst developing locally - but it was down to the fact that I was editing a simple HTML file and loading this page in the browser without running a local server (the JS file probably couldn't find the SWF file).
My URL looked like this: file:///Users/craig/development/jwplayer/index.html
To fix the issue I created a local server and loaded the page this way.
My URL now looks like this: http://localhost:3000/index.html
Yes, rene_gerber@yahoo.de, I am having this exact symptom. Configuring the player for "audio mode" (height: 40 Pixel) to play MP3 results in "Flash Plugin Failed to Load". As soon as I increase the height to 41 "video mode", the player works fine. This Problem only occurs in Internet Explorer (Version 11). In Chrome, Firefox everything is alright.
For all of those customers having issues playing MP3s in audio-only mode, we are starting to hear reports of it working in 7.4.0, which is currently in our Staging release channel. Please test it out to see if its resolved. You can find out how to use pre-release versions of our player on our Using Release Channels page.