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error 2035

not sure whats changed in firefox or chrome but i'm now getting an error #2035 when i click on the video. the video plays fine in FF or CHrome when directly opened in youtube.

i also got this message in Chrome on the first video only. "the requested video is not allowed to be played in embedded players" the rest of the videos open fine and all have the same exact coding except for the youtube link?

please help.
thank you ..

1 Community Answers


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

I have seen two or three other support cases recently for the same issue. My guess is that YouTube made a change recently to not make their videos available for Flash players, so the fix is to convert your player to HTML5 with the primary: ‘html5’ parameter in the setup.

In your case, you are using an old version of JW Player, version 5.7, which does not have an HTML5 mode. Your best bet would be to create a new JW Player account at which will get you JW7. You could then embed your YouTube videos directly on your site with the new player in HTML5 mode.

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