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JW Player 6 Plugin for Wordpress does not play on Andriod mobile only

Wordpress V4.4.1 JW Player 6 Plugin for Wordpress - Version 2.1.14

The code located below works on Chrome, Safari, IE, ISO (iphone 5s) however, it does not work on Android mobile. I have spent a day and I cannot figure it out.

[jwplayer player='2' abouttext='Made By' aboutlink='' primary='html5' image='/wp-content/uploads/videos/abc123.jpg' sources="{ file: '/wp-content/uploads/videos/abc123.webm'},{ file: '/wp-content/uploads/videos/abc123.mp4'}"]

If I put the mp4 first, it works on the Andriod.


If I connect to the video directly via URL on the android mobile, works perfectly so it is not the MP4.

I have tried a few more variation of the code. Not joy. – Arthor 1 hour ago
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19 Community Answers


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Any reason you are not putting the mp4 as the first source?


0 rated :

Hello George,


We have some video with a white background and when you use the MP4. The white background goes a little gray. Hence the WEBM first.

Any help with the code please?



0 rated :

Please let me know.. As I cannot figure it out. Thank you


JW Player Support Agent  
1 rated :

Do you have a test page I can look at?


0 rated :

How can I send you a private message?

Thank you?


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Hi, as a free user you don’t have access to email support. You will have to send me a test page here and I’ll delete the comment.


0 rated :

Can i pay just for this support part???


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Our lowest paid tier is premium


0 rated :

Hello Okay,

please look here.

I have used the this code:

[jwplayer image="" sources="{ file: ''},{ file:''}"]

which can be found on your site:

Please advise.

I cannot get it working.

This is what it shows in the source:

div class="entry-content">
<p><div class='jwplayer' id='jwplayer-0'></div><script type='text/javascript'>if(typeof(jQuery)=="function"){(function($){$.fn.fitVids=function(){}})(jQuery)};jwplayer('jwplayer-0').setup({"aspectratio":"16:9","width":"100%","primary":"html5","sources":null,"image":""});
</div><!-- .entry-content -->


0 rated :

Also.. Looking through the view source code, the problem is the the sources shows up as null:


Please can you help with this.. It is become rather confusing.


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

Hi, there.

The shortcode syntax you are referencing was a workaround that does not appear to work any more. It’s possible there has been an update in either Wordpress or our plugin since then that broke it.

With that being said, you have the following options:

  • If you want to continue using JW Player 6, I would recommend seeing if you can providing either the MP4 or a HLS stream as the single source.
  • You can also not use the Wordpress plugin and embed the player on the site using JavaScript, just like you would on a non-Wordpress site. You can see our Basic Video Embed and Configuring Multiple Sources support articles for more information.
  • You also have the option of using JW Player 7 and our the beta version of our new JW Player 7 Plugin for Wordpress. This version of the plugin ties into your Account Dashboard to use cloud-hosted players and content from your dashboard.

Please let me know if you need any more help or have any other questions. Please note that I have also hidden the comment with the URL to your test page.

Thank you!


1 rated :

Really, so there is no code for fall back using the JW Player plugin..

Ok, I wish not to use the cloud-hosted players.

I really need some solution be we need the WEBM becuase of the mp4 gray white background.

I do not understand why the shortcode would not work? It is a function of the JWPlayer.

Is there anything else I can do please as I am really stuck here.


0 rated :

Ok perfect.

So it looks like I have to remove you plugin and use:

You can also not use the Wordpress plugin and embed the player on the site using JavaScript, just like you would on a non-Wordpress site. You can see our Basic Video Embed and Configuring Multiple Sources support articles for more information.


JW Player Support Agent  
0 rated :

As far as I know, and I’ve asked around any time I get asked about this, we never officially supported that syntax for multiple sources in short codes, but a former employee found that it worked (I’m assuming because it never worked for me) a workaround.

I agree that your best course of action may be embedding the player the old-fashioned way. If anything else, it goes give you much more control over configuring the player.

Please let me know if you need any more help or have any other questions.

Thank you!


0 rated :


I have tired.

Please have a look.

the website link I gave you with this addon:

I cannot seem to get it to work.


<script src="/wp-content/themes/twentyfourteen/jwplayer.js"></script>

<div id="myElement">Loading the player...</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var playerInstance = jwplayer("myElement");
playlist: [{
sources: [{
file: "/wp-content/uploads/videos/test.webm"
file: "/wp-content/uploads/videos/test.mp4"
primary: "html5"


0 rated :

I have it running however I get the same message again on an andriod device. Please advise.

File could not be played.


1 rated :

Anyone please?


JW Player Support Agent  
1 rated :

Hi, there.

The code for your embed looks OK, as long as jwplayer.js and your sources can be found at those URLs. I would like see the player on a page to see what is going on. Can you please provide a link that I can view the player that is appropriate for an office environment? Thanks.


0 rated :

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