How to get better/more buffering
I'm a bit confused and it may just be that the overall VOD ecosystem is so cluttered up.
We're using wowza to stream videos on demand. We've uploaded multiple versions of the same .mp4 files for multi-bitrate streaming and I've set up a smil file that seems to work. I have our wowza engine set to enable all playback types (mpeg-dash, apple HLS, adobe rtmp, adobe hds, MSS, rtsp).
I have my jw7 player configured to play
<script type='text/javascript'>
fallback: true,
width: 640,
height: 480,
androidhls: true,
sources: [{
file: "[urlhere]//Day_1/smil:commitment_weekend_d1_v1.smil/jwplayer.smil"
file: "[urlhere]//Day_1/smil:commitment_weekend_d1_v1.smil/playlist.m3u8"
file: "[urlhere]/smil:commitment_weekend_d1_v1.smil/manifest.mpd"
rtmp: {
bufferlength: '10'
My understanding is that if I take out the jwplayer.smil source, modern browsers should be able to use the playlist.m3u8 or manifest.mpd files and stream appropriately with JWPlayer as I have it set up. However, if I don't have the jwplayer.smil included, nothing works on any modern browsers I've tested in (tested on OSX with chrome, firefox and safari).
Am I missing something in terms of what should be possible here? My goal here is two-fold -
1. To understand a little better what's going on under the hood here, and ultimately:
2. To be able to buffer the full video if the bandwidth is avail at the user end. As I understand it I can't do this with RTMP, so I'm trying to get a better option (like how youtube enables it, etc)
Any help is appreciated!