jwplayer("container") returns an object with the function registerPlugin
I am building a simple application where I am looking to instantiate a jwplayer.
When I say
this.container = document.createElement("div");
this.container.id = "meh";
this.player = jwplayer("meh");
this.player.setup({file:blah}); //setup is undefined
console.log(this.player); //object { registerPlugin: function (a, b, f, g) }
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
This is exactly related to this http://support.jwplayer.com/customer/portal/questions/8145655-why-does-jwplayer-have-registerplugin-function-only-
Claims that:
"Okay I figure it out. When you first load the jwplayer javascript the only property it has is registerPlugin, but once you initialize it you can see the other properties.. my mistake."
So I guess.... when does initialization occur? None of the examples appear to initialize.