HTML5 version won't pause after seek
Using a custom playlist I have been trying to avoid poster images and have the video pause on the first farme, which then acts as a poster image.
This works fine in the Flash version using this code inj the function that starts a new video:;;
The HTML version, however, will not pause, but proceeds to play the video (a bug?).
I can make both versions work using this code:
var seek = 0;
playerInstance.onPlay(function() {
and in the function that starts the new video:;
seek = 1;
If I include a .play and .pause in the function it will still work in HTML5, where you can start the video with one click, but in the Flash version you now have to make 3 clicks to start the video.
Is there a different way to pause on the first frame that works for both HTML5 and Flash? Alternatively, it would be nice to get the bug fixed that prevents the HTML5 version from pausing after a seek.